About Celebrate Weddings Magazine

A true idol of ours once said: “Fashion goes in only one direction — forward — and I am a firm believer of thinking that way too.” (That was from Anna Wintour, btw.)
With innovative content and a thirst for always finding bold and fresh ideas to bring you beautiful and chic content, Celebrate Weddings is anything but your traditional wedding magazine. We believe in ensuring there’s elegance and style in everything that graces the pages of the magazine.
As a magazine, we could have you be inspired and love what you see, or we can show you dreaming big isn’t a bad thing and when it comes to your wedding it’s all about you and your S.O. So forget the traditional mold of what wedding flowers and photographs should look like. Wear one, three, or even five dresses on your big day. Dare to be different. Dare to be yourself. You’ll love your wedding even more for it. Promise.
For feature opportunities, please DM us on Insta @celebrateweddings.